Cofounder of DTL, focusing on the high-end technologies that drive next generation life science research in the clinical & health, nutrition, agro-genomics and industrial microbiology sectors. DTL aims to establish a world-class research infrastructure enabling the Netherlands to remain at the forefront of biology research and innovation. As programme lead chairing the development of a coordinated national FAIR data implementation strategy under the National Programme Open Science (NPOS). Goal is to realise more effective use and reuse of data for science and innovation in all disciplines. Open Science and the emerging digitisation of research are key drivers for the NPOS FAIR Data programme. Chair of the international Coordination Group of the European 1+ Million Genomes Initiative connecting over 20 European countries and the European Commission. 1+MG strives to realise a federated European infrastructure that supports secure cross-border access to genomics health data of over 1 million contributing European citizens. Primary goal is to make such datasets accessible in a privacy-preserving manner for the benefit of genomics-based health strategies in personalised healthcare and prevention. Secondary use of genomics datasets for research and innovation is another key agenda of 1+MG.