The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is a community-driven international initiative facilitating the open sharing and re-use of research data. In partnership with the EOSC Future project, RDA launched a series of open calls aiming to raise awareness of EOSC assets and RDA standards and outputs across a diverse range of research communities. Leveraging RDA’s global connections, the project advocated for and supported FAIR principles and Open Science by engaging science and research communities beyond the EOSC Future consortium.
Around €1 million across 40 grants
With a substantial budget of almost €1 million, over 40 grants were awarded to projects through the RDA/EOSC Future open calls scheme to get a wide range of scientific communities involved with EOSC. Focused on early adoption, technical and domain solution development, and interoperability, the selected projects contributed to the advancement of research data tools, standards, and expertise within the EOSC framework. The grants also facilitated participation in events bridging the RDA and EOSC communities.
Below is a list of the results of the calls. Find out more about the selected projects: their objectives in the scope of EOSC Future and their results so far…
Discover RDA/EOSC Future projects & outputs
Here is a complete list of projects:
- A FAIR-enabling citation model for Cultural Heritage Objects
- Data and metadata interoperability through the incorporation of PIDs
- Data practices in an interdisciplinary perspective – building good standards and universal solutions
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Visitation Working Group
- Enhancing Usability and Contributability of RDA DMP Common Standard for Machine-Actionable DMPs
- Enqwyre: data wrangling and transparent research data transformation for schema-based interoperability and publication
- EU FAR – EU Funds by Area Results
- Fostering the uptake of RDA indicators in Systems Biomedicine as a measure for model quality and FAIRness within the COMBINE community
- Guiding Infrastructure Governance And Controlled Vocabularies Requirement
- How to engage regional and European data infrastructure communities
- IGAD CoP in South Caucasus
- Increasing FAIRness of data processing in Occupational Health and Safety
- Indigenous Data Provenance Capacity for the European Reference Genome Atlas
- Improving Global Agricultural Data Community of Practice in the Republic of Moldova
- Machine-actionable Software Management Plans
- Operationalising the RDA/CODATA Schools for Research Data Science (SRDS) activities to add value to EOSC
- Pursuing the growth of knowledge through global access to hardware for science
- Psychology RDA Interest Group
- Recommendations for improving cross-disciplinary FAIR data sharing in wind energy
- Social Science Data Objects in the EOSC Portal
- TRUST-ification and FAIR-ification of an open repository for research instruments in psychology: REPOPSI’s adoption of RDA outputs
- WG Neuroimaging
Types of outputs include:
- Standards, tools and services: Empowering researchers
- Rewarding and teaching Open Science practices
- Reaching out across disciplines (cross-disciplinary outputs)
Disciplinary Communities: The Future of EOSC Engagement Strategy
As an outcome of the RDA/EOSC Future open calls scheme, Domain Ambassadors were appointed to facilitate engagement. These experts provide valuable insights into data sharing, RDA adoption, dissemination efforts, and promotion of Open Science in their communities. The result is regular feedback and promotion of EOSC, making it relevant to new audiences through onboarded resources and providers.
A total of 14 Domain Ambassadors were selected. They helped to bridge disciplinary community needs and awareness of EOSC with domain insights, ultimately supporting communities in engaging with Open Science practices.
During the project, we had the opportunity to hear first-hand from the RDA Domain Ambassadors about their experiences and insights in ‘Domain Ambassador Spotlights‘.
Within and across disciplines, the RDA/EOSC Future open calls programme supported exchanges. Get insights on RDA/ESC Future Cross-disciplinary Outputs in the EOSC Environment: Third Bulletin (below).
RDA/EOSC Future grantees: In the news & on camera
Throughout the project, RDA/EOSC Future grantees and project partners were vocal about their work and achievements. Some of these are featured in a series of Science|Business articles. Others were the focus of different types of events.

Domain Ambassadors at the 20th RDA Plenary
You can also find more insights in the EOSC Future blog series as well:
- Innovating Tools To Create A Future For Biodiversity Genomic Data Governance
- Enhancing Generic Data Descriptors With Discipline Specific Metadata
- Spotlight on the Arctic Data Community
- FAIR Data Sharing in Wind Energy
- Training Delivery of Foundational Science Skills
- Implementation of a “no code” method for schema-to-schema data transformations
Connecting EOSC with the Global Research Commons
EOSC Future collaborated with the Global Open Research Commons (GORC) International Model RDA Working Group, at the time in the final stages of developing a roadmap for the global alignment of priorities around the coordination of setting up international science commons. This included collaboration with the broader GORC Interest Group providing a neutral arena for discussing Open Research Commons.
As a result of this collaboration, the EOSC Future technical team was invited to contribute to the GORC final review of its attribute model v0.6, released as a draft in July 2023. In September 2023, consultation workshops were held providing an opportunity for EOSC Future to comment on certain elements in the framework and to influence the model, transferring European EOSC technical components into practices on the international scene.
The EOSC Future project also submitted a proposal for a ”Birds of a feather” (BoF) session during the Salzburg RDA Plenary in October 2023, with the goal to create an RDA Ambassadors group to further strengthen the sustainability of the community.
Read more about ‘Galvanising The Commons – Building Global Bridges For Commons And Disciplines‘, the post-event article from P20 event.
Engaging new and underrepresented communities
During the project, 10 new underrepresented disciplinary communities were engaged with EOSC and the respective disciplinary webpages and/or disciplinary infosheets were made available on the RDA website targeted at underrepresented research communities, promoting participation in EOSC and encouraging community onboarding of resources.
Other materials developed by the EOSC Future project to engage communities:
Read this report on Gaps in Open Science Support in Europe: Disciplinary Perspectives fom the EOSC Future Project or these summary cards prepared by EOSC Future:
Other RDA/EOSC Future links
- EOSC Symposium 2022 session: Engagement of Research Communities and Service Providers in EOSC
- RDA P20 pre-conference session Global research commons: Europe and beyond (EOSC Future): ‘Pathways to Community Engagement. Showcasing the RDA/EOSC Future Domain Ambassadors and RDA’s work on Engaging Communities in EOSC.’
- RDA P20 session: Community Engagement that Works! Examining tools and success stories of pathways to Engagement in Community-led organisations at a global level
- EURINT Conference panel: Open Science Opportunities and Practices in Social Sciences
- RDA 10th Anniversary webinar: RDA’s Engagement with Disciplines
- RDA P21 session: Launching an RDA Domain Ambassadors IG