Co-developing services with the private sector
Throughout EOSC Future, the EOSC Digital Innovation Hub (EOSC DIH) facilitated the co-development of solutions by the private sector, addressing the real-life needs of research communities.
A demand analysis was carried out to explore the needs of research communities on solutions that, being not ready to buy in the market, could potentially be co-developed by a commercial company. Among the expressions of interest received from different communities and clusters, the Poznan University of Life Sciences (PULS) was selected with their interest in obtaining ‘Software services for image analysis in phenological research with implementation, licensing, support and maintenance’.
Identified the challenge on the scientific side, the EOSC DIH launched a procedure for the purchase of the service from the commercial sector to be co-developed to cover the requirements of the research community. A company was selected in this purchase process to work together the the scientific community under the coordination and supervision of the EOSC DIH. The solution was onboarded into EOSC in September 2023.
EOSC DIH Business Pilots
A total of 27 EOSC DIH Business Pilots were established. Over a 7-12-month period, each pilot executed pre-commercial testing, validation, experiments, or proof of concepts using EOSC services. These activities were structured around 4 pillars:
- piloting and co-design – where products or services are designed and/or tested.
- technical access – high-throughput, high-performance and cloud computing; machine learning; research data; data management services and several tools and applications available for re-use.
- training and support – technical consultancy, business coaching and funding search.
- visibility – inclusion of company solutions in EOSC, print and online material and exploitation of EOSC networking and ecosystem opportunities, such as online communities, event attendance and potential future projects.
Technical access offered to the business pilots were those provided by the EOSC INFRAEOSC 07 projects (EGI ACE, DICE, Reliance, OpenAIRE Nexus and C-SCALE). The full list of services can be found here.

Links to other results
The EOSC Future project consolidated and published the results of the DIH for business pilots and promoted them at industry events.