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Monitoring is the key service needed to gain insights into an infrastructure. It needs to be continuous and on-demand to quickly detect, correlate, and analyse data for a fast reaction to anomalous behaviour. The challenge of this type of monitoring is how to quickly identify and correlate problems before they affect end-users and ultimately the productivity of the organisation. Management teams can monitor the availability and reliability of the services from a high level view down to individual system metrics and monitor the conformance of multiple SLAs. 

The key functional requirements are: 

The dashboard design should enable easy access and visualisation of data for end-users. APIs should also be supported so as to allow third parties to gather monitoring data from the system through them. 

Who is it for?

Within the context of the EOSC Future project, two monitoring services were already in place: EOSC CORE and the EOSC Exchange Monitoring Service. These two services were responsible for monitoring the Core services (EOSC Core Monitoring) and the services onboarded to the Marketplace (EOSC-Exchange Monitoring). 

The aim of the EOSC Monitoring features was to give service providers the opportunity to register their services through EOSC and track how they are used by via the service landing page in the catalogue or overall EOSC services status page. 
