The EOSC Future team is presenting the EOSC Core at this year’s Open Science Fair. This event aims to bring together and empower open science communities and services. It wants to
- identify common practices for open science
- find the best synergies to deliver and operate services
- bring together experiences from all around the world
Our 90-minute workshop at the Open Science Fair will provide an overview of our plans for implementing a fully functional EOSC Core, highlighting how it could support and facilitate the daily work of researchers in the future. After a presentation on the EOSC Core, the workshop will continue with a panel discussion focusing on the following questions:
- What will be the impact of the EOSC Core on national and international research infrastructures?
- What are the needs and expectations of the research institutions (e.g libraries, repositories, universities, etc.)?
- What role will the EOSC Core and the standards we adopt play in an international context?
The input collected during the workshop will be used to gather requirements for the EOSC Core. The workshop will also be a way to establish direct collaboration channels with the above-mentioned stakeholders.
- Rudolf Dimper, PaNOSC cluster representative in EOSC Future & IT advisor to the ESRF Directorate
- Hilary Hanahoe, Secretary General, Research Data Alliance
- Steven McEachern, Director of the Australian Data Archive, Australian National University
- Natalia Manola, CEO, OpenAIRE
- Jan Meijer, Senior advisor international strategy, Uninett AS
- Klaas Wierenga, GEANT & Co-chair of the EOSC Future Technical Collaboration Board