Clear and comprehensive documentation is absolutely essential for a service to be discoverable and successfully used – both by existing and potential new target groups. There are many components of service documentation, including promotional materials, descriptions for discovery & catalogues, usage instructions and tutorials, technical specifications and richly commented code.
In this event, we will be diving into the following topics:
● Different types of online tutorials
● Planning and design
● Selecting learning activities including assessment
● Writing style and practical tips for content creation
● Tools for creating online tutorials
By the end of this session you will be able to:
● Understand different types of tutorials in order to make the right choice for your service
● Use structured step-by-step approaches to design your tutorial
● Write clear instructions with engaging content
So bring your own service use case along, and join what we hope will be an interactive and productive session on how to produce effective service usage instructions and tutorials!
120 minutes in total
Target audience
Potential and existing EOSC service providers, including Research Infrastructures, with a special focus on smaller organisations with little or no experience of producing usage instructions and tutorials for their end user communities.
Speakers information
Main instructor(s):
Helen Clare, GÉANT/Jisc
Co-instructors and breakout moderators:
Milica Ševkušić, OpenAIRE/EIFL
Irena Vipavc Brvar, Uni Ljubljana Maggie Hellström, ICOS & Lund University