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A chief priority for EOSC Future was increasing awareness of EOSC in the Eastern and Western Balkans. With the help of the local connections of the project consortium partners and collaboration with NI4OS Europe project, EOSC Future was able to reach relevant audiences in 15 Member States and Associated Countries in Southeast Europe.

The engagement activities provided capacity building training to the service providers and end-users in the area, especially in the Western Balkans. These events supported the development of the necessary skills on their path to participating in EOSC and enforced FAIR capabilities, which contributed to the wider objective of EOSC Future to increase EOSC uptake.

Results included:

For the last training event held in Ohrid, in North Macedonia in September 2023, the project organised a collaboration with the EOSC Association to sponsor the online participation of 100 individuals from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Serbia to the EOSC Symposium 2023. The outcomes of this event were featured in local news outlets, among others.

Events & other regional activities

From the very practical to conceptual, engagement events and activities with partners in South-East Europe succeeded in capturing a broad audience and empowering them to harness the potential of EOSC. To list a few: