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Commercial services and support for EOSC have a twofold aim: to enable access to commercial cloud services for researchers as well as to involve industry and SMEs in the EOSC landscape, which improves the exploitation of scientific research products.

The framework for establishing, maintaining, and distributing procurement-compliant agreements with research-relevant commercial services (and data providers) builds on the results of the OCRE project and makes services from multiple commercial service providers available under favourable terms and conditions to all EOSC users by exploiting cross-border joint pan-European procurement with 40+ countries.

Through the EOSC Digital Innovation Hub (DIH), EOSC Future is enabling innovation within the industry by leveraging EOSC services and data. Bringing together industry and the scientific community, the EOSC DIH community acts both as a supplier and a user of EOSC to further stimulate cross-fertilisation across sectors, promoting innovation and the digitisation of SMEs. 

Target groups

  • researchers
  • service providers
  • data catalogue managers
  • resource providers
  • resource users
  • SMEs

State of play

Procurement call results:

  • Demand for commercial cloud services clearly indicated
  • Funding procurement mechanism using OCRE Cloud Framework (available via EOSC) as preferred community procurement route with highly favourable terms and conditions clearly demonstrated
  • Value of Community/Industry partnerships in driving innovative research solutions proven in calls 2 and 3 (development of RI services)

EOSC DIH business pilots:

  • Provision of EOSC resources and DIH services to SMEs via business pilots and to a wider EOSC DIH community
  • Enrichment of EOSC MP with innovative services
  • Development of strategic partnerships with relevant EOSC DIH stakeholders
  • Development of the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

Key benefits/impact for EOSC

Ultimately, commercial services and support for EOSC will:

  • improve the quality of research
  • reduce the burden for research organisations and other service users to engage in complex procurement processes
  • aggregate demand at hyperscale to counter supplier weight
  • support cross-analysis of data from heterogeneous sources
  • create market opportunities for innovative research data services
  • support SMEs and industry to maximise the impact of science research outputs to benefit the wider European society

In turn, this will promote and support commercial exploitation of data, software, workflows and services, with tailored support to SMEs.


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