Seamlessly integrated with the EOSC Portal, the EOSC Knowledge Hub (KH) is a platform that delivers a highly curated learning resources catalogue and a state-of-the-art Learning Management System (LMS).
The catalogue focuses on free (as well as paid-for, where applicable) training content pertinent to EOSC, its services and related FAIR and Open Science concepts. By bringing together disparate sources of information, the KH acts as a centralised learning hub for all things EOSC.
The LMS is based on Moodle (for content delivery) and Articulate (for authoring). Through the creation of modularised CC-BY licensed training resources and promotion of reuse of those resources, the KH delivers tailored content to its users.
Target groups
- researchers
- service providers
- intermediaries – i.e. policymakers, funders, librarians, IT depts, data stewards, etc.
- trainers
- EOSC Future project members
State of play
The EOSC Future project has decided to use an off-the-shelf Learning platform instead of developing one from scratch. So far,
- an analysis (goals, requirement, suggested content) of the target user groups of the KH has been completed
- an EOSC Training Catalogue and Learning Platform specification document has been created
- a metadata model for the Training Catalogue has been developed.
The Training Catalogue has developed and incorporated within the EOSC Catalogue and Marketplace, and the Learning Platform is now publicly available (see ‘Relevant links’ section below).
The focus for next steps will be on developing more content for the Learning Platform, automating the onboarding process for the Training Catalogue, producing Rules of Participation documentation for the KH and operationalising the KH helpdesk.
Key benefits/impact for EOSC
The KH will ensure the delivery of tailored content to EOSC users. By the end of the project,
- 200 training providers registered in the EOSC catalogue
- 600 trainers on the KH
The KH will truly be a resource by the community, for the community. Its lasting impact of the KH will be to provide a centralised, sustainable resource for all things training related for EOSC, using a standardised metadata set that allows FAIR principles of training resources to be fulfilled.