EOSC Core and Marketplace Provider Days: Getting more out of services & research products
April 26, 2022This week EOSC projects are joining forces to give us a 360-degree view of EOSC for providers from 26-28 April.
Whether you want to start providing services and resources through EOSC or are already doing so – today’s sessions had something for everyone. In 5 sessions, EOSC Future project experts and associated project partners outlined what makes an ‘EOSC provider’, the types of resources they can provide, how to become an EOSC provider as well as upcoming features and opportunities. We also examined the core features that enable the interoperability and composition of these resources across research infrastructures (referred to generally as ‘the EOSC Core’: AAI, monitoring, accounting, order management, helpdesk, etc.). If the EOSC Core is the glue of the EOSC ecosystem, it is also a foundation for more advanced features and opportunities for data and service providers.
In response to the question ‘Why become an EOSC provider’, other upsides were considered:
- an interoperability framework that will make providers’ services more accessible, findable beyond specific research communities
- onboarding requirements and support to deliver a more targeted and improved user experience
- a variety of tools for providing services or research products according to FAIR and composable data recommendations
- the EOSC providers portal, the window into EOSC, whereby providers can onboard and manage their services
- gaining visibility among funders, national and EU officials, publishers and other institutions.
All in all, today provided a good entryway into discussions, and we invite you to watch the session recordings here.
What’s on the agenda for the next 2 days?
Registration is still open for the EOSC Core and Marketplace Provider Days! Take a look at upcoming session topics:
Libraries as EOSC providers
9.00-9.45 CEST
Current and upcoming functionalities for libraries
Repositories as EOSC providers
10.00-10.45 CEST
Sharing onboarding experiences
Research projects as EOSC providers
11.00-11.45 CEST
An overview of what research projects can provide through EOSC (and how)
HPC centres as EOSC providers
12.00-12.45 CEST
Challenges, efforts & ongoing onboarding initiatives
Training session
A tutorial on how to onboard your services to the EOSC portal
Science clusters and research infrastructures as EOSC providers
9.00-9.45 CEST
What, why and how science clusters & RIs can contribute to EOSC
EOSC for commercial providers
Presenting features for commercial cloud providers
National infrastructures as providers
Why national infrastructures should become EOSC providers (current & future opportunities)
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