EOSC Future signs off
March 28, 2024This month marks the end of EOSC Future, and with it the next chapter of EOSC is about to begin. Thank you for your contributions to advancing Open Science throughout Europe and taking data-driven research to new heights according to FAIR principles.
Read on for more information on the EOSC EU Node launch as well as a snapshot of EOSC Future’s achievements.
Ensured continuity for the EOSC community
As communicated previously, the EOSC Providers Portal and the EOSC Catalogue & Marketplace will be phased out as of 15 April 2024. The EOSC EU Node operators will ensure the discoverability and findability (search functions) of existing services from mid-April. Full features of the EOSC EU Node are expected to go live in the second half of 2024.
Under the Commission’s Horizon Europe programme, a host of EOSC-related projects have kicked off and will help to ensure this continuity during the transition to the EOSC EU Node. These projects include OSCARS, EOSC Beyond, EOSC Track, and more.
A chance for providers to opt in to the EOSC EU Node
In the context of the transition from the current EOSC platform to the EOSC EU Node, EOSC Future is giving registered service providers the option to transfer their contact information to the EOSC EU Node operators.
Service providers will be contacted shortly with a consent form, which will also be accessible by logging into the EOSC Providers Portal. By signing this, consenting providers allow the EOSC EU Node operators to contact them directly with information and updates about future steps (e.g. onboarding, service integration, etc.).
EOSC Future in a nutshell
While planning for next steps, it is also worth taking a moment to reflect on how far we have come. Starting in 2021, the EOSC Future project set out to develop the technical infrastructure for an interoperable European Open Science Cloud (‘a system of systems’) as well as drive uptake of EOSC and its available services. In 2024, the project has proven that such a platform (interoperable) is possible, not just in theory but in technical terms.
Project outputs fall under the umbrella of 8 Key Exploitable Results:

Project achievements include:
- A tested federation capacity for accessing infrastructures via the EOSC AAI
- An online platform (referred to as the EOSC marketplace) with over 5 million resources, including data, software, publications, training materials, and more
- Setting up a portal and guidelines for onboarding over 330 service providers (offering over 470 digital services)
- 10 EOSC Future Science Projects accelerating cross-disciplinary science and data-driven solutions to tackle global challenges (e.g. COVID-19, climate change, food security, etc.)
- Development of a framework for monitoring the implementation and uptake of EOSC and Open Science (presented on the EOSC Observatory)
- 40 RDA/EOSC Future open calls to get a wide range of scientific communities involved with EOSC
- Over EUR 4 million in procurement calls to boost the distribution of commercial cloud services among Europe’s research communities.