Introducing 4 new EOSC DIH pilots
March 2, 2022We are excited to introduce 4 new pilots joining the European Open Science Cloud Digital Innovation Hub (EOSC DIH). The selected pilots are currently being onboarded and selecting their preferred services.
In December 2021, EOSC DIH, in the context of the EOSC Future project, invited European start-ups, spin-offs, SMEs and large enterprises to submit an ‘Expression of Interest’ to participate in EOSC DIH. EOSC DIH will help the selected pilots through piloting and co-design processes, access to technical services, training and support services and by increasing overall visibility through EOSC. You can find an overview of available EOSC DIH services here.
Are you feeling inspired? Do you think your business could benefit from these services and tools? EOSC DIH will launch new ‘Expressions of Interest’ at regular intervals – so stay tuned!
Discover the selected pilots
4Science – OpenAIRE ELD-Enrich Local Data via the OpenAIRE Graph (ELD-ADVANCE)

With ELD-ADVANCE, 4Science proposes to make OpenAIRE services available out of the box in the latest releases of DSpace, as with DSpace-CRIS, for the international community of adopters, in collaboration with the OpenAIRE team.
More information: https://eosc-dih.eu/eld-advance/
CITE – Open Science Lens (OSL)

CITE is developing Open Science Lens, an innovative technological approach to empower Open Science (OS) and bring the scholarly works available on OpenAIRE e-infrastructure within reach of research stakeholders, citizens. To deliver its objectives, OSL builds on the OpenAIREA Research Graph, a set of services, offering a tool-suite that can be integrated in a Google Chrome browser or directly in a science-oriented web page enhancer, improving the user experience with regards to OS exploration.
Through EOSC DIH, CITE will expand its tools operations and functionalities by using: OpenAIRE Research Graph, OpenAIRE Login, OpenAIRE EXPLORE, EGI Cloud Compute and EGI Cloud Container Compute.
More information: https://eosc-dih.eu/opensciencelens/
Inteligg- ANESYS (integrAted iNtelligent thErmostat SYStem)

ANESYS, developed by Inteligg P.C., is a self-learning and self-adjusting smart thermostat system supporting multi-zonal control of heating/cooling systems for higher energy savings. It implements remote control of multi-zonal heating/cooling systems via Wi-Fi connected sensors by employing Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms.
To deliver its objectives, Inteligg, would use OpenAIRE Amnesia for data anonymisation and EGI Cloud Compute.
More information: https://eosc-dih.eu/anesys/
Bioinvest-agro: AgriFootprint (Cloud model for Carbon Footprint assessment in crop growing and agri food value chains)

To deliver its objectives, AgriFootprint requested a variety of services; the OpenAIRE Research Graph, Zenodo, Amnesia, OpenAIRE MONITOR, OpenAIRE Broker (via OpenAIRE PROVIDE), EGI Dynamic DNS Service, EGI Cloud Compute, EGI Cloud Container Compute, EGI Data Transfer, EGI Online Storage, Elastic Cloud Compute Cluster (EC3) and B2Safe.
More information: https://eosc-dih.eu/cloud-model-for-carbon-footprint-assessment-in-crop-growing-and-agri-food-value-chains/
Note: Due to the current international political situation, the onboarding of AgriFootprint might be delayed.
What is EOSC DIH?
According to the Digital Agenda for Europe, businesses are strategically placed to use research infrastructure resources and services to enhance growth and foster innovation. EOSC DIH provides an interface for promoting this commercial innovation and supports private companies in accessing digital technologies, services and human capital offered by EOSC.
EOSC DIH is an international and multi-partner cooperation that supports companies in easily accessing the digital technologies and services offered by EOSC. It combines 4 main pillars to help companies become more competitive: Pilot design and co-design, Technical access, Training & support and Visibility.
Learn more: https://eosc-dih.eu/
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