Francoise Genova is CNRS Emerita Researcher at Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory. She has been the director of the Strasbourg astronomical data centre CDS, which provides added-value services to the international astronomical community, from 1995 to 2015. She is one of the founding parents of the astronomical Virtual Observatory initiative. The Virtual Observatory is a global ecosystem of standards and tools enabling seamless access to the wealth of on-line astronomical resources. She was a member of the High Level Expert Group on Scientific Data set up by the European Commission in 2010, and one author of the “Riding the wave” report published in 2010 and of its follow-up “Data Harvest” report.
More recently, she was a member of the European Commission Expert Group on Turning FAIR data to reality (2017-2018), and one of the authors of the Expert Group Report “Turning FAIR into Reality” (2018). She has been the vice-chair of the FAIR Working Group of the EOSC Executive Committee (2019-2020). She has been an active member of the RDA since its inception, in particular as member of the RDA Technical Advisory Board from 2013 to 2020 (co-chair between October 2015 and October 2019). She has been co-leading the RDA France National Node, which is hosted by the CNRS, since its creation in 2018. She has also been part-time advisor at the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation since 2014.