Since 2020 Volker is program manager for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) at the French ministry for higher education, research and innovation (MESRI). In this position, he’s representing France e.g. on the EOSC Steering Board, at the e-IRG and serves on the HORIZON-INFRA programme committee. Since 2022 he is the co-chair of the EOSC Steering Board.
He is an astrophysicist and worked in space science in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and at NASA’s Goddard space flight center and taught at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. From 2016 to 2020 he was scientific director for Computing and Data Science of CNRS-IN2P3 in France. He was work-package leader in the EOSCpilot project and in EOSC-Pillar, and he served as EGI council member and was special advisor on EOSC matters at CNRS. Through his experience both as scientist and as manager at a large funding and research agency, he brings to the EOSC a solution-oriented attitude and a strong support for the EOSC vision.