RDA/EOSC Future joint event sheds light on opportunities and outcomes for the Global Research Commons
March 23, 2023Earlier this week, we teamed up with the Research Data Alliance (RDA) in Gothenburg, Sweden, for a satellite event alongside the RDA 20th Plenary Meeting.
The half-day hybrid event was entitled ‘Global Research Commons: Europe and beyond‘. Discussions took the form of high-level panels but also interactive presentations with community members and stakeholders on: the different types of global research commons, their priorities, examples of roadmaps and frameworks to tackle the challenges as well as understanding research community needs.
Live from the RDA 20th Plenary – 14 RDA Domain Ambassadors
This event also provided a platform to introduce and engage with 14 RDA Domain Ambassadors, selected through the RDA/EOSC Future Open Call programme to connect RDA outputs to the European Open Science Cloud and amplify project results.
These Domain Ambassadors operate in a diverse range of disciplines: Agricultural Sciences, Engineering, Earth Sciences, among others. They represent these different fields and, in turn, help to refine how RDA can deliver tailored solutions for data sharing and their sub-domain. So far, first outputs include needs-assessment surveys, intensive outreach, engagement programmes, mapping across communities at a global level and RDA adoption stories.
Watch the full recording of the half-day event or consult the event agenda for presentations and an overview of the panel discussions.
A call for one, a call for all: RDA in EOSC Future
Throughout the EOSC Future project, the Research Data Alliance (RDA) has distributed €1 million to engage the RDA Community in EOSC. This has resulted in a diverse network and a big community for RDA in EOSC projects, to build solutions for the future and examine how different research areas approach federated data sharing.
More specifically:
- 12 cross-disciplinary science adoption projects
- 14 Domain ambassadors
- 2 projects contributing to the EOSC Interoperability Framework
- 5 projects optimising Open Science Frameworks & Guidelines for EOSC
- RDA Communities of Practice
- 5 RDA Working Groups
- and more…
Interested in applying for a grant? There’s still one RDA/EOSC Future open call for science communicators. Apply by 17 April at 16.00 CET.
You can also meet the rest of our RDA/EOSC Future open call grantees here.
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