EOSC Policy event – Report
June 14, 2022On 3 May 2022, EOSC Future, in collaboration with the EOSC Association, the EOSC Steering Board, the European Commission and the University of Strasbourg organised the EOSC policy event in Strasbourg, France. The objective of the event was to bring policy makers and EOSC representatives together to discuss how EOSC can impact national and European policies.
The event brought together 70 key actors driving the open science, EOSC and FAIR data policy developments and implementations in Europe while dozens of stakeholders followed the stream and participated in the discussions online. The presentations tackled many trending topics, such as the status and progress of Open Science, EOSC more generally, FAIR data and policies, providing concrete implementation examples.
Key take-aways
- EOSC can act as a driver for aligning OS policy agreement among Member States, while ensuring bottom-up uptake of Open Science practices and supporting a participatory approach from the research communities.
- National initiatives are increasingly putting in place high-level Open Science strategies. Combined with EOSC, this makes for a stronger two-way support for OS becoming the new normal.
- EOSC should take into account national developments, collecting input via its members and multipliers, around disciplinary needs and work together for optimal solutions to serve the research community.
Read more in EOSC Policy Event Report – Mainstreaming Open Science.
You can also go back to the presentation slides and watch the recordings.
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