EOSC Symposium Open Call for Talks
September 5, 2022DEADLINE HAS PASSED
The EOSC Symposium is the main EOSC annual event and this year takes place in Prague, Czech Republic, from 14th-17th November 2022.
Over 500 stakeholders from ministries, policy makers, research performing organisations, service providers, research infrastructures and research communities across Europe and beyond are expected to attend the Symposium to reflect on the EOSC key achievements and strategic challenges and to identify priorities and concrete actions at European, national, and institutional level to speed up the EOSC implementation.
During the Symposium, there will be an opportunity to inspire the EOSC community by sharing your work or ideas with a talk on the following topics:
- FAIR enabling practices
- Use cases demonstrating the added value of EOSC
- EOSC Core developments
- EOSC Exchange & Data Federation developments
- Federation of national Research Infrastructures & e-infrastructures in EOSC
- Training & Skills for EOSC
- Contributions of for profit partners to EOSC
- Engaging stakeholders in EOSC
The talk should not exceed 7 minutes.
- The symposium is an in person event (COVID permitting). If the event takes place, the talks are only accepted in person.
- A fee is associated to the registration to the Symposium. The amount of the fee will be disclosed at the end of September when the official registration will open.
Who can apply?
- Projects actively engaged in building EOSC (H2020, Horizon Europe & other projects)
- National, regional and international initiatives aimed at boosting Open Science and FAIR principles
- Thematic communities
- Any individual interested and contributing to EOSC
The applications will be evaluated by the EOSC Symposium Programme Committee who will select the most relevant contributions to become part of the programme.
Applicants will be informed on the results of their application on the week of the 3rd of October.
More information
For more information about the EOSC Symposium, please visit the website.
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