January 19, 2022Together with the Research Data Alliance (RDA), we are launching an open call for ‘RDA communities of practice’. It is part of a series of RDA open calls supporting a European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) that meets the FAIR data and resource management needs of Europe’s research communities.
Through this call, we are looking for experts and skilled communicators in various research fields to serve as the coordination focal point between their professional communities and the broader EOSC community.
These dedicated communities – or COPs – will play a fundamental role in:
- providing discipline or domain-specific knowledge and skills within EOSC
- engaging users and providers in EOSC
- bolstering alignment across national, regional and discipline-specific lines.
Successful applications will prepare a detailed plan, elaborating on the following outcomes:
- consolidation of new research communities around EOSC
- disciplinary developments in support of existing EOSC science clusters
- cross-disciplinary approaches to benefit EOSC
- global approaches, including open research commons initiatives.
We will pay particular attention to proposals demonstrating not only how specific domain needs will be streamlined to support the development of EOSC but also how specific communities will benefit from EOSC core and associated services.
What does the grant include?
This call will award up to 5 grants, each totalling a maximum of €7 500, over the course of the EOSC Future project.
Who can apply?
We welcome applications from persons or groups with a level of expertise in their respective domains or disciplines as well as a commitment to FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data and other principles that RDA holds dear. Applicants can be part of a European research group, organisation or SME. Note: This call is not open to members of the EOSC Future consortium or applicants outside of EU Member States and Associated Countries.
Further criteria and conditions are detailed on the EOSC Future Grants Platform.
The call is open for applications until 21 March 2022, 16.00 CET.
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