RDA/EOSC Future Call on Science communication of RDA calls in the context of EOSC
March 1, 2023In partnership with the Research Data Alliance (RDA), we are unlocking a budget of 15000€ in our latest call for highly qualified individuals, freelancers, or organisations specialised in science communications to deliver a series of high impact articles showcasing the results of the RDA and EOSC Future Open Calls programme, and the more than 30 small projects further enabling integration and take up of EOSC services.
What are the requirements?
The following standards are expected from successful applications:
- Delivery of 4-5 professional science communication features
- 1 generic article on the role of RDA in EOSC and about the calls programme
- Articles that show the impact of the calls on disciplinary research, the connection to EOSC, and the impact of the investment in the open call programme
- Showcasing the impact of EOSC on researcher workflows
Who can apply?
This call is open to highly qualified individuals, freelancers, or organisations specialised in science communications and based in Europe. Ideal applicants will have knowledge of open science, RDA, and EOSC, and have experience in science communication in Europe, with a proven track record of science journalism, and an interest in science, open science, and equitable research and EU research funding mechanisms. They should also be able to submit three examples of their most recent work.
The call is not open to members of the EOSC Future consortium or individuals employed by any consortium entity, and staff working on the EOSC Future project are not eligible to apply. Applicants must reside and/or work in a EU country or associate country, and must tick a Declaration of Honour box upon application to confirm their eligibility.
The deadline to apply is 10 April 2023. The work is expected to start in April 2023 and is to be completed by September 2023. Do not miss this opportunity and apply now!
Further criteria and conditions are detailed on the EOSC Future Grants Platform.
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