RDA Open Call Announced: Domain Ambassadors
November 15, 2021We want to develop a European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) whose technical specificities are receptive and responsive to the needs and realities of various domain-specific research communities in the EU. In pursuit of this overarching objective, the Research Data Alliance (RDA) is launching a series of open calls throughout the EOSC Future project.
One of these calls is the RDA Open Call for Domain Ambassadors. Launched on 11 November, this call invites researchers and research groups to serve as experts and skilled communicators on EOSC. Together, these experts will engage new scientific communities within the broader EOSC community.
We’re looking for:
- expertise in research infrastructures in a particular scientific domain
- an understanding of the European data infrastructure landscape
- strong communication skills
- prior involvement in RDA activities and a commitment to RDA outputs.
Successful proposals will develop a detailed plan for raising awareness and access to EOSC within their research communities, identifying:
- community-related, domain-specific outreach activities
- benefits of EOSC in a disciplinary context
- solutions to potential engagement barriers.
Who can apply?
We welcome applications from persons or groups committed to FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data and other principles that RDA holds dear. The call is open to a wide variety of applicants from different domains, including junior or senior researchers, mid-career data professionals and data scientists. Note: This call is not open to members of the EOSC Future consortium or applicants outside of EU Member States and Associated Countries.
Further criteria and conditions are detailed on the EOSC Future Grants Platform.
The call is open for applications until 15 February 2022, 16.00 CET.
What does the grant include?
Up to 10 grants of max. €7 500 will be issued over the course of the EOSC Future project. Two additional calls, with a similar focus, may be launched in 2022.
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