3rd RDA Info Share
February 22, 2022On 9 March, from 11.00-11.45 CET, we are hosting the 3rd in a series of info share webinars on RDA open calls and future funding plans.
The 3rd RDA Info Share will cover the falling open calls:
- RDA Working Groups will establish WGs focused on developing tangible data and research infrastructure recommendations for EOSC.
- RDA Communities of Practice invites disciplinary experts and groups to investigate, discuss and provide discipline or domain-specific knowledge and skills to the EOSC community.
The deadline for both calls is 21 March 2022, 16.00 CET.
On the agenda
During the info share, you will have the chance to:
- learn about the programmes for the RDA Working Groups and Communities of Practice, in addition to the role they play and planned activities
- share their ideas for applying to the programme
- learn about future call plans and timelines
- ask questions about applying to specific calls.
Boosting EOSC uptake
As part of the EOSC Future project, the open call for proposals issued by the Research Data Alliance (RDA) aims to improve the technical data frameworks for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Proposals should focus on maintaining, optimising and documenting existing frameworks in keeping with RDA’s outputs and recommendations.
All RDA open calls for applications, further criteria and conditions, can be found on the EOSC Future Grant Platform.
You can register for the 3rd RDA Info Share here.
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