Day 3 recap: EOSC Future Open Days
November 25, 2021Today, we reconvened for the final sessions of the EOSC Future Open Days. Building on the previous days’ discussions, today’s sessions focused on overcoming obstacles to a fully compatible and technically interoperable EOSC.
The first session introduced the EOSC Future working groups, which will drive EOSC implementation activities. We heard presentations on working groups that are kicking off this month (Research Product Publishing Framework, Science Projects and Use Cases). Each detailed a bottom-up process of liaising and aligning with different clusters, project partners and other members of the EOSC community.
The second session elaborated on the 2 complementary elements of the EOSC Future knowledge hub: a training catalogue and a learning management system. Together, the EOSC training catalogue and learning platform will provide a centralised community resource for training materials and learning certification. During the discussion, examples of how the catalogue will actually be used were also offered (e.g. metadata specification, automated aggregation, publishing capabilities, etc.).
Tailored for, and by, the EOSC community
Both sessions stressed the role of the EOSC community in ensuring that the planned work meets the functional requirements for a fit-for-purpose EOSC. Whether as members of a working group or a test bed, the community will have a say in piloting training materials and giving feedback on the technical architecture and interoperability framework.
Find out more about the EOSC Future working groups and the knowledge hub (and how you can get involved):
- check out the EOSC Future working groups public wiki page
- contact training@eoscfuture.eu
The EOSC Future Open Days might be over, but you can (re)watch all of the sessions here.
And presentations of day 3:
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